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Introducing "Conquering Anxiety in Nursing School: Toolkit and Workbook for Busy Stressed Out Nursing Students"

Introducing a groundbreaking, first-of-its-kind resource essential for your healthcare journey. "Conquering Anxiety in Nursing School" is a must-have for every nursing student with Anxiety. This comprehensive workbook rewires the stressed out nursing students brain with cognitive behavioral therapy, hypnosis, parasympathetic nervous system activation, and mindset reframing to support you on your nursing school path.


Key Features:

  • Research-Based: Backed by research, this workbook offers evidence-based strategies to help you overcome anxiety

  • Identify & Replace Negative Thought Patterns: Utilize cognitive behavioral therapy to identify and replace unproductive thought patterns with more effective ones. 

  • Journaling Prompts with focus on clinical and exams: Engage in a variety of activities and reflective prompts designed to help you perform better during the most stressful situations at school.

  • Quick Techniques for Nervous System Regulation on the go: Discover practical techniques that can be implemented in just 10 minutes to regulate your nervous system, empowering you to excel in exams and clinical placements.

  • Mindset Shifts- Using easy to understand and practical mindset shifts for lots of AH HA’s to challenge your perspective for on the most challenging circumstances like burnout, perfectionism, and cognitive overload.

  • Therapist Approved

Who This is For

If you're a nursing student feeling overwhelmed by the demands of your program, struggling to balance your coursework, clinicals, and personal life, or simply looking for ways to enhance your wellbeing during this challenging time, this book is for you.

Take the First Step Towards Conquering Your Anxiety

Join us on this transformative journey and discover the strength within to overcome the anxieties of nursing school. Your path to a more balanced, focused, and fulfilling student life begins here.

Don't let anxiety define your nursing school experience. With "Conquering Anxiety in Nursing School," find empowerment, peace, and ultimate success.


I signed up to work with Cheryl Banko for 6 sessions. 

 Was I ready to work?  YES

 Did I lose weight? YES

Was it all about food?  NOT really!

My brain was ready to learn new ways to see all aspects of my life. My thoughts needed to change and better serve me. Once I grasped that losing weight was so effortless. I look in the mirror and smile because I love myself and  I can truly see the BEST self I have ever been. Cheryl gets you to understand your thought process so quickly it makes your head spin. AND then life is never the same.

 I can't imagine my life better than it is right now but I am willing to bet it definitely will improve... I just signed up for another 6 sessions


I’ve been wanting to write this for a week now and, honestly, it’s just really hard to put into words. Bear with me!

I’ve know Cheryl Banko for years now. I met her at one of the lowest points of my life, when chronic pain had destroyed my self worth. Cheryl was able to teach me how to think differently, not just about myself. About everything. The pain has remained a constant - Until last week..

Cheryl taught me neuroscience techniques over Zoom to help with my pain. I was skeptical but she had made such a difference before so why not?? By the end of one session, I was virtually pain free (I’m never pain free unless pharmaceuticals are involved). I could actually feel the pain in my neck and shoulders calm and quiet as Cheryl guided me. It moved both of us to tears. I’ve felt the best I have felt in I don’t know how many years. I’m still in awe and a little bit of disbelief. But when I start to feel lousy I do the techniques on my own. It really works. I‘m forever grateful to you Cheryl!

Please, if you’ve been on the fence about reaching out to her, do it. You won’t regret it!

Cheryl, you’re amazing!


Suzanne MacPhee Krull

Being a busy doctor I don't have time for sleepless nights. Cheryl's sleep protocol continues to be my nightly rescue at 3 am when I need to quickly fall back asleep to be ready to take care of patients refreshed the next day.

Dr. Matthea Rentea

I’ve been meeting with Cheryl for a few weeks now for life & weight loss coaching. Had a MAJOR BREAKTHROUGH last week. I was able to really feel and process my feeling for the first time in my life!!!!

I have been in therapy for nearly 10 years, I have trauma from childhood & more I’ve been working through. I’ve made lots of progress in therapy. However, coaching with Cheryl in a few weeks is making a difference that I didn’t realize was possible. I feel excited and hopeful. Coaching with Cheryl is priceless.

Best gift you can give yourself.

Julie Swiderski

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Contact Cheryl

Thanks for reaching out! I will get back to you as soon as possible!

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